Elizabeth Warren Nails the Difference Between Democrats and Republicans on Student Debt

May 13, 2016
  • Industry News

When it comes to the student debt crisis, Democrats may be undecided on the best approach to tackling it, but presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is a big part of the problem, Sen. Elizabeth Warren said in an interview on Tuesday.

When asked whether she preferred Hillary Clinton's plan for debt-free college or Sen. Bernie Sanders' proposal for free tuition at public colleges, the Massachusetts senator refrained from backing either, and instead pointed to the contrast between the Democrats' vibrant debate on how to reduce the nation's $1.2 trillion student loan debt and the GOP's largely nonexistent one.

"Listen to the debate on the Democratic side — we're talking about, 'Should it be free college or debt-free college?'" Warren said. "That's where we're going back and forth and trying to have a conversation— how are we going to pay for it, how do the pieces work to make that happen?"

Read more at Mic: http://mic.com/articles/143224/elizabeth-warren-nails-the-difference-between-democrats-and-republicans-on-student-debt#.2zo69Z2bQ