Get Involved with AACRAO Research
Two of our founding research advisory board members (RAB), Sam Fugazzotto and Christopher Trembley are focusing on other AACRAO service opportunities at the end of this fiscal year. It has been my pleasure to work with Christopher and Sam since 2015. They have helped shape AACRAO research. Their insight, expertise and creativity has been invaluable.
Christopher, Sam and the rest of the RAB - Jason Brown and Mike Flanigan – will help select three new members to start October 1. Click here for more information and/or to apply. Applications will be accepted for the next few months.
Seeking $2,000 for your Thesis or Dissertation?
The grant application is now open. Up to three applicants will be selected to receive a $2,000 stipend toward the completion of an advanced degree, the development of a draft academic research article, and to present at AACRAO’s annual conference in 2021.
AACRAO Research Update
Organizational Change Management
An initial examination of the data from the change management survey shows that the use of an executive sponsor is very strongly related to an institution’s preparedness to engage in organizational change and in the success of the change endeavors. In addition, a third of change recent initiatives were driven primarily by a change in technology, a further 29% a change in practice, and 15% by a needed organizational structure change. Final analyses of these data will be included in a presentation at Ellucian Live and AACRAO Tech & Transfer as well as in a comprehensive report or journal article.
March 60-Second Survey – Student Basic Needs Resources
As noted below, the Hope4College student survey report was just released. Our March 60-Second survey will focus on what resources institutions have to support basic needs.
Chief Enrollment Management Officer Career Profile Survey
The third in the series of CEMO surveys is currently in the field and will be deployed through March 9. If you did not receive an invitation to this survey, serve as CEMO and are interested in participating, please email me at and I will send you an invitation.
Current Higher Education Research and Related Topics
Survey Report on Basic Needs Insecurity just released a new report examining basic needs insecurity among college students. This is the fifth year of the annual survey. The survey was administered at 227 two and four-year institutions, with nearly 167,000 respondents (See figure 6 from the report below). Key findings include:
46% of respondents had been housing insecure in the previous year
39% of respondents stated they were food insecure in the prior 30 days
17% of respondents were homeless in the previous year
Needs insecurity is more prevalent among two-year college students, and students from historically marginalized groups

New Publication Examines Teen’s Career Aspirations and Educational Preparation
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) recently released a publication looking at the gap between teens having more years of education than ever before, yet still struggling in the employment market (see figure 7.1 from the report below). The OECD conducts an international survey of educational experiences among youth, and that survey contributed largely to this report. A key finding of the report is that teenagers who combine education with part-time employment transition better to adult work, tend to earn higher wages, and reap other benefits. The report also examines topics such as the labor market relevance of teen’s intended careers, the effects of future automation of work, and the effects of career development activities.

College and University Chief Academic Officers Survey
A new study of College and University Chief Academic Officers (CAOs) was published by Inside Higher Ed and Gallup. The survey they conducted received input form 597 institutions. Questions ranged over a wide variety of topics, from the academic “health” of their institutions to, general education, to textbook prices. A few of the many interesting findings include:
Only about 40% of CAOs think their institution is very effective at preparing students for work.
50% of CAOs believe that liberal arts education is in decline in the United States.
72% believe that higher education has tolerated Sexual Harassment for far too long, but only 15% feel that about their own institution.
79% support competency-based education, with community college leaders being the most in favor of it.
Gender Affects Grade Changes, According to New Research
A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that male students are 18.6% more likely to get a favorable grade change granted than female students. This difference persisted across departments. The study also found that male students request grade changes at a far greater rate than female students. A controlled lab experiment conducted by the authors also found that male students were more likely to pay to request a grade change.
Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms Magic Quadrant released by Gartner
A new magic quadrant report looks at Analytics and Business Intelligence platforms.
College Board’s overview of the 2019 Advanced Placement Class
The College Board released a comprehensive report on AP credit during 2019. Data provided includes data on the 2019 cohort of students, efforts to expand access to AP, and programs like the AP Capstone, Civic Engagement, and Computer Science.

Source: The College Board