Financial aid administration is encumbered by an ever-changing set of complex regulations, complete with sub-regulatory guidance to help colleges and universities deliver Title IV aid to eligible students both efficiently and compliantly. The financial
aid landscape in American higher education has been dominated by topics such as student loan debt forgiveness and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which can become a source of frustration for an institution, its students, and
its staff. Despite this inherent complexity, speaking engagements help institutions gain a fundamental understanding of various financial aid topics and strategies to help position the institution for both the present and future.
Since financial aid administration is a learned career path, much of the role is adapted through hands-on work, mentorship, independent study, and a commitment to understanding and managing change. The speakers will share their knowledge and strategies
to help institutions further understand the complexities of the profession to mitigate the risk of compliance findings and assessed liabilities – all with your students in mind.
Speaking topics and expected outcomes leverage many of AACRAO’s core competencies and may include, but are not limited to:
Change Management
Customer Service
Data Sharing
Financial Aid’s Role in Strategic Enrollment Management
Financial Aid’s Role in Strategic Enrollment Management at Community Colleges
Free College Programming
Handling Ethical Dilemmas
Leveraging Multi-Campus Structures
Longevity Planning
Organizational Change
Policy Construction
Regulatory Compliance and Audits
Strategic Planning in Financial Aid
Student Success Strategies with Financial Aid
Understanding Financial Aid: What Financial Aid Administrators Do
Financial Aid topics are appropriate for keynote and workshop formats and can be tailored to the needs of the organization/institution.