What You're Reading - Top 10 Most-Viewed Connect Articles of 2022

December 23, 2022
  • AACRAO Connect
  • News & Announcements
Young professional reading with a cup of coffee.

As we close out 2022, we thought we'd share the top five most-viewed Connect articles of the last twelve months. Over the years, AACRAO Connect has become one of our top-read resources, and each year we like to see which articles continue to resonate with our members long past publication.

This year we saw a nice spread of interest in new and old content alike. Topics like Student Success, CLR, and Enrollment Management continue to interest readers year after year. One article in particular, "So, What does a Registrar do?" has made the Top 10 since its release in 2014. Overall, we look at this data (and more) to ensure that we're providing our members with the content they're looking for, while also surfacing new and interesting trends in the field. 

A note on Ask the FERPA Professor: AACRAO Members love FERPA, and we are always looking for new content, contributors, and ideas to expand. If this list were strictly accurate our resident FERPA Professor would wipe everyone off the list. Instead, we've included a link to all of the Ask the FERPA Professor articles to tide you over (hopefully) for the holiday break.

  1. Ask the FERPA Professor
  2. 6 Evidence-based Factors to Support Student Success
  3. Field Notes: 4 Tips for Nailing your Next Job Interview
  4. So, What does a Registrar do?
  5. 8 Fundamentals of Successful Student Recruitment
  6. How the Pandemic Affected Positions in Admissions and the Registrar's Office
  7. National Student Clearinghouse: New College Graduates Decline; More Students "stacking" Degrees
  8. Alternative Credentials: Considerations, Guidance, and Best Practices
  9. Hispanic Heritage Month
  10. 6 reasons professional development matters

As always, we welcome member contributions, feedback, and insights to AACRAO Connect and look forward to sharing the latest higher education content in 2023.

AACRAO members, don't forget to send your questions for the FERPA Professor to communications@aacrao.org.


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