William Serrata, SEM Conference Director and President, El Paso Community College
More and more institutions are embracing SEM-related concepts and initiatives that will increase both student access and success, including:
Demographic shifts “ from the Millennials to the burgeoning Latino population.
Advances in technology “ from hybrid learning to MOOCs.
A renewed focus on completion “ from The American Graduation Initiative to Completion by Design.
SEM has historically been at the forefront of investigating these and related ideas. Because of that, Enrollment Management professionals are uniquely positioned to serve in leadership roles on campus”and we are ready to step up and help our campuses navigate the kind of forward-thinking transitions that will help students succeed.
Join the ongoing conversation about SEM™s role in campus leadership and overarching focus on student success this November at AACRAO's 23rd Annual Strategic Enrollment Management Conference in Chicago.
Please consider sharing your knowledge and experience with your colleagues by submitting a session proposal.* The call for proposals is open until May 15, 2013.
* You can find a list of suggested session topics online. In addition, the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center will sponsor a research-specific track at SEM. We encourage enrollment management and institutional research staff to submit proposals for one of six research areas. For information about corporate opportunities, e-mail corporateinfo@aacrao.org or call 202-263-0287. For all other questions, please e-mail meetings@aacrao.org or call (202) 293-9161.
By: AACRAO Connect