Webinar: Help more students find the right classes

February 11, 2020
  • AACRAO Annual Meeting
  • Academic Scheduling
  • Records and Academic Services
  • Webinars
College Scheduler and TAMIU logos


Since a streamlined and student-friendly registration experience at Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) is essential to kick-start or continue a rewarding education, removing frustration from the process was essential. Unfortunately, TAMIU students were having difficulty finding open courses that accommodated both their academic and personal requirements. Many students were simply not registering for all the courses they needed or desired — and facing an increase in obstacles to long-term academic success.  


At the beginning of registration, TAMIU always encourages its students to visit their academic advisor in order to sign up for classes. But in an effort to address some of the newly-realized student scheduling concerns, as well as to optimize the registration process as a whole, TAMIU decided to leverage Civitas Learning’s College Scheduler. Once implemented, College Scheduler — renamed TAMIU SchEDUler — now allows students to plan their semester before visiting with their advisor.

With a student-friendly interface, TAMIU SchEDUler offers new and different capabilities that make it far easier to navigate through all the courses that fit a student’s specific needs — undergraduate or graduate, open or online offerings. In addition, students’ newly-optimized schedules are already built to support their preferences and ensure they maintain the breaks they need to balance commitments outside of the classroom.

To roll out the new scheduling solution, TAMIU used social and traditional media to promote TAMIU SchEDUler to students and staff. Then after a short training session, advisors across the campus were quickly able to put more students on an optimized path toward earning their degrees and forging their futures. Weeks after adoption, TAMIU SchEDUler had close to 4,000 unique student users. In 2018, student adoption soared above 90%.

It’s nothing less than you would expect from an institution whose credo is, “Go Beyond.”

Join us for a free webinar on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 2:00pm eastern: "When you put students first everyone wins!" and learn more about TAMIU's implementation of student centered scheduling technology. 


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