Colleges are beginning to develop and implement broad strategies to improve student retention rather than rely on ad hoc programs. As Paul Fain of Inside Higher Ed explained, some institutions are hiring vendors to create technology-based early warning systems that enable faculty and advisors to identify and help at-risk students. ("Digital Feedback", 6/27/2014).
Effective retention efforts must be:
1. Grounded in robust data from multiple sources, analyzed properly and disseminated to the right people in a timely manner.
2. Managed by a leadership team that understands the information needs of diverse offices and is capable of gaining the buy-in and support of numerous campus stakeholders.
Case study: A successful early alert system
Paul Smith's College provides an interesting case in point. The institution developed a Comprehensive Early Alert and Student Success program using integrated data and information flow framework. In January of 2010, Paul Smith’s College went live with its new comprehensive student support program. After four years, it is clear that these efforts have paid off. The college has generated an additional $5.8 million in net student revenue due to increased retention efforts. Results include a 10 percentage point increase in FTFT retention, an 11.4% increase in term gpa>2.00, a 38% decrease in students on probation or suspension, 53% decrease in withdraws, and increased on-time graduation rates of 34% for associates (2 year) and 19% for baccalaureates (4 year).
Paul Smith’s College implemented a wholesale cultural change from a more traditional retention model that focused exclusively on high risk students to a more holistic student success model pursuing the success of all students. This approach consisted of three critical components: 1) shift to a campus-wide culture of student success, 2) a four step model for integrating data and information flow, and 3) the utilization of change management principles during implementation to generate stakeholder buy-in to reduce resistance.
Learn from game-changers
A key figure in the success of Paul Smith’s efforts will be at AACRAO’s Strategic Enrollment Management Conference and via an AACRAO webinar.
Please join AACRAO for a webinar on September 25th as Loralyn Taylor, Ph.D., Registrar and Director of Institutional Research at Paul Smith's College, shares her experience with improving retention. To learn more and register, click here.
AACRAO's 24th Annual SEM Conference offers game-changing plenaries and targeted programming for enrollment managers at all levels and departments. Join us October 26-29, 2014 at the J.W. Marriott Los Angeles LA Live.