Transfer Guidelines: The Joint Statement of Transfer and a Transfer Student Bill of Rights

April 18, 2017
  • AACRAO Annual Meeting
  • Transfer and Articulation
  • Transfer
Wooden stamp of the word "rights".

by Mickey Reynolds, Consultant, AACRAO Consulting

The 2001 Joint Statement on the Transfer and Award of Credit is being re-authored by a National Work Group. A draft of the updated ‘Transfer Guidelines: The Joint Statement of Transfer and a Transfer Student Bill of Rights’ is scheduled to be released at the Technology and Transfer Conference in July 2017. Once the draft is released it will go out to the membership for commits.

The updated version of the ‘Transfer Guidelines’ will be transparent and open. Like a white paper, it will be a document that can be used by but not limited to: Registrars, administrators up to VP level, by 2 to 4 year colleges, Board of Regents, Trustee, and Accreditation agencies. It is the hope of the work group that this version of ‘Transfer Guidelines’ will be more visible to everyone such as 2 to 4 year colleges, private and public institutions, students, staff, and faculty, as very few people currently know it exists.

Visit AACRAO's Transfer & Articulation resource page where you can find the latest guidelines and statements.

Some of the content of the updated version will consist of:

  • Transfer Policy and Procedure
  • How does a college reevaluate transfer credit?
  • How does a student request a course to be reevaluated for credit?
  • Best Practices for Evaluating Transfer Credit
  • How to articulate credit from a regionally accredited college
  • How to transfer 100 level courses to 300 level courses and vice versa
  • How often should the articulation for a transfer course be reevaluated?

The Transfer Student Bill of Rights will be similar to the Military Bill of Rights.

Register now for the AACRAO Technology and Transfer Conference, July 9-11, 2017, in New Orleans.

Download the Session handouts here.



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