Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) is focused on student success and the alignment between internal strengths and external environments. SEM strategies and tactics are built upon institutional strategic plans, data, broad enrollment targets and attention to infrastructure needs and gaps.
How does SEM apply to your college or university? How can you position your institution to take on enrollment planning in a highly effective, sustained manner, so that your college or university can consistently achieve its goals?
Dr. William Serrata, President of El Paso Community College, and Dr. Tom Green, AACRAO’s Associate Executive Director of Consulting and SEM, will provide an overview of the concepts and strategies of strategic enrollment management in their workshop, The Core Concepts of SEM. Participants will expand their understanding of SEM and take away action plans for establishing and achieving enrollment goals upon their return to campus, including:
- Definitions and concepts to help explain SEM to their campus colleagues.
- The critical role of focus in SEM planning and implementation.
- How to organize their campuses for SEM planning.
- The paramount role that data will play in SEM planning on their respective campus.
- Next steps for implementing SEM when they return to their campuses.

For more information about Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) concepts, contact Dr. Tom Green at You can attend The Core Concepts of SEM workshop at AACRAO’s Annual Meeting in Baltimore on Sunday, April 12, 2015.