The Baden-W├╝rttemberg Seminar

May 15, 2015
  • AACRAO Connect


If you like the idea of 
•    participating in a high-profile professional development seminar,
•     meeting new colleagues, 
•    networking,
•    learning information and skills that will positively impact your work, 
•    creating new opportunities for yourself and your institution, 
•    travelling and seeing the world, and 
•    experiencing the sights, sounds, food, and culture of Germany, 

then the Baden-Württemberg Seminar may be just the thing for you!

Each fall, thanks to the generosity of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK), north American higher education professionals have the opportunity to apply to be chosen for the prestigious B-W Seminar. The seminar focuses on the German educational system, German-American academic equivalencies and student exchange between Germany and the U.S. Lectures and discussions are complemented by visits to primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions.

Important facts to note:
•    In-country lodging, excursions, and most meals are covered by the MWK. Chosen participants are responsible for their transportation to and from Germany.
•    All skill levels are encouraged to apply, although generally preference has been given to those who have been in the field for several years.
•    German-language ability is appreciated but not required.
•    The 2015 Seminar takes place in mid-October. 
•    The application deadline is June 5. 

For information and to apply, visit: If you have questions, email


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