The "Trump Effect" and fall 2017 international applications

May 2, 2017
  • AACRAO Connect
Photo of an asphalt road through a desert with the double-yellow line extending into the distance where a road block is visible.

The AACRAO "Eye on Research" monthly blog provides highlights on AACRAO research and other research relevant to higher education news, including research from the Community College Research Center, the NCES Institute for Education Sciences, education journals, and other sources. 

Click here to view the full blog and sign up to receive research updates via email.

In the April edition:

  • AACRAO research received extensive media coverage in March and April due to the release of the final report “International Applicants for Fall 2017 – Institutional & Applicant Perceptions” on April 4th.  
  • Dr. William (Bill) DeWolf, Registrar at Emerson College, is our newest member of the research advisory board.
  • Updates on upcoming and ongoing AACRAO Research as well as current higher ed research.

ïFor a deeper look at what the new administration means for higher education, read this article from the last issue of Connect.


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