Technology and Transfer Conference Spotlight: Transfer marketing, transfer student success and data-based strategic planning

June 3, 2014
  • AACRAO Connect
  • Technology and Transfer

ïAACRAO Spotlight interviews are published twice weekly before major professional development meetings. They feature our conversations with industry experts, highlighting key issues and promoting sessions and workshops at the upcoming conference.

Below you'll find brief summaries of two recent Q-and-As with links to the full interviews.
See these and other sessions at AACRAO's Technology and Transfer Conference in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.  Register today!

Essentials of Transfer Marketing and Outreach

AZTransfer is a state-funded project in Arizona that facilitates community college-to-four year transfer among public colleges and universities. Erin Woodell, Director of Marketing and Communications, will be speaking about "Essentials of Transfer Marketing and Outreach” at her session at this year’s AACRAO Transfer Conference, to talk about how we communicate transfer options to students?

Read the rest of the interview here.

How to Create a Campus Conversation about Transfer Student Success: The Transfer Symposium

As transfer student enrollment grows on our campuses, the creation of an institution-wide vision for transfer students becomes more important to ensure transfer student success. Appalachian State University hosted a Transfer Symposium in September 2013 for more than 200 faculty and staff to learn about our transfer students (i.e., demographics), understand why transfer students are important, and to learn how we can best serve transfer students both inside and outside of the classroom.  Participants at the Symposium developed new programming and curricula that have already been implemented on our campus, and plans are underway for Transfer Symposium 2014. 

Read our interview with Neva and Susan here.

Using Data to Develop a Strategic Plan for Classroom Supply and Management

Ohio State used historic data and modeling to develop a strategic plan for classroom space maintenance and growth. They used historic course offering data to predict the number, size, and type of classrooms needed. This information informed the university's master plan, addressed local vs central classroom ownership issues, solved prime time scheduling "bottlenecks", and provided space utilization guidance. 

"The problem forced us to step back and think in a more strategic way: are we delivering the right amount of courses electronically?," said Jack Miner of OSU.  "Are they sustainable? Do they support discussion and collaborative learning? I hope attendees see the value of examining how they are doing things, even if they don't see something immediately wrong, just for the strategic value the exercise might yield."

Read the rest of the interview here.


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