Technology and Transfer: Share your knowledge and experience

January 28, 2016
  • AACRAO Connect
  • Technology and Transfer
Representation of fiber optic wires with electrical signals visible as bursts of light.

Higher education institutions are under a magnifying glass right now. With matriculation and graduation rates serving as key benchmarks for institutional success and federal funding, there is a renewed focus on enrollment and degree completion.

As institutions attempt to serve and recruit diverse, knowledgeable, and mobile populations, enrollment professionals are asked to shape a class that will retain and graduate in greater numbers.

For many institutions, creating a transfer-friendly environment is a key strategy as students continue to transfer at higher rates. The use of technology is integral to enrollment strategy, and the activities of the registrar, admissions, orientation, and retention staff are often the critical difference between institutional success and failure. 

What is your Technology/Transfer experience?

Session proposals are now being accepted for AACRAO’s 2016 Technology and Transfer Conference, held July 10-12, 2016, in Anaheim, California.

The AACRAO Technology Program focuses on the pragmatic aspects of technology, the issues surrounding its use, and how technology can be applied in an innovative manner. Learn how technology integrates into campus operations, and how these tools support the academic policies and objectives of higher education institutions.

With the increase in non-traditional routes for educational attainment, transfer has become a central focus in higher education. AACRAO’s Transfer Program analyzes transfer credit and transfer policies, and features best practices being employed to support the success of this growing student population. 

Suggested presentation topics, details on selection criteria, and information on corporate presentations are available online. The Priority Submission Deadline is February 12, 2016.

The conference is sponsored by CollegeSource, Inc. and Onbase by Hyland.







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