Low student retention and degree completion is a major problem in American higher education. While there is some research on persistence, more is needed. The following study looks at the relationship between enrollment management strategies and retention rates.
This study was conducted by Stacy Bartlett as a graduate student at Tift College of Education at Mercer University, with assistance from and additions by AACRAO. The survey of AACRAO-member institutions was designed to test whether retention and graduation rates differ based on enrollment management programs and models and to identify effective retention strategies. AACRAO also looked at the titles and positions of enrollment management leaders.
Here are just a few study highlights and preliminary findings:
- • 44 percent of those who responded to the survey indicated in a multiple-choice question that their institution has a formal, written enrollment management plan.
- • 82 percent of those with a written enrollment management plan who responded to a later question marked that an individual at their institution has direct responsibility for enrollment management.
- • 52 percent said their enrollment management leader holds the title of vice president; 20 percent, assistant or associate vice president; 8.5 percent, dean or director; and 20 percent "other" (including such titles as Senior Vice-President of Students and Enrollment Associate Dean for Curriculum).
- • Departments reporting to enrollment management are most likely to include: admissions, admissions publications, financial aid, and enrollment-related marketing and information technology.
- • No significant differences were found in first-year retention rates when analyzed according to whether or not an enrollment management program had been established at the institution, but there was a significant difference in six-year graduation rates.
- • 96 percent of responding institutions reported having orientations and retention coordinators.
It may be that a stronger focus on a detailed retention plan would further engage campus colleagues and departments to collaborate in addressing retention and persistence issues, Bartlett noted.
The full results of the study are not yet available and will be shared upon completion.
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