The 22nd Annual Summer Institute for International Admissions, hosted by AACRAO International Education Services (IES), took place at the Marriott-Georgetown July 13th through July 17th, 2015. This year’s training included over 80 professionals in the field of international admissions. Registration for this event filled up so quickly that over 15 individuals were placed on a waiting list. (To accommodate those that were unable to make the event, AACRAO will host the Fall Institute on September 14-17, 2015, at the National Center for Higher Education building. For registration for that event, email
The Institute was broken up into two parts: Recruitment and Credentials Review. Monday’s Recruitment sessions focused on a variety of topics relating to international student recruitment. Michelle Hampton from ETS taught attendees the significance of TOEFL scores and how to read, analyze and apply those scores to the admissions process. Presentations by NACAC and Linden Educational Services concentrated on how to successfully recruit international students and third party recruiters. Representatives from the Department of State and SEVP explored resources that help to increase the number of international students on campus.
The Credentials Review team of presenters was led by Dale Gough, Director of AACRAO IES, Julia Funaki, Associate Director of IES, Annetta Stroud, Senior Evaluator for IES, and Robert Watkins, Assistant Director at UT-Austin. During the week, participants learned about educational systems and recognizing undergraduate and graduate credentials from countries such as: China, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, and Cuba. The training allowed attendees to exchange ideas on individual institutional policies and procedures when handling foreign credentials.
AACRAO IES will also host the 10th Annual Winter Institute for International Transfer Credit on January 15-19, 2016, in Washington DC. Registration will open late summer/early fall. For more information about Winter Institute or Fall Institute, please contact