Successful leadership styles: Leading through change

January 30, 2019
  • AACRAO Publications
  • Change Management
  • Collaborative Decision-Making
  • Communication
  • Community Colleges
  • Competencies
  • Leadership and Management
  • Professional Integrity
  • SEMQ
beige, turquoise, and auburn stripes are mirrored on either side of the image with the text "change" displayed in the middle along with lightning bolts

In the latest SEMQ, our women leaders in SEM series continues with Dr. Karen Miller's insightful contribution “Leading through Change to Increase Success and Completion.”

In it Miller describes her 20-year professional journey at Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) from serving as director of student affairs at one campus to assuming the role of provost and executive vice president. Honing Tri-C’s focus on student success and completion while maintaining its open access mission, Miller helped change campus culture by promoting a shared governance model and establishing transparency in leadership—all of which has contributed to successful strategic planning.

“I have learned that transparency leads to trust, trust leads to collaboration, and collaboration leads to student success,” Miller wrote. “I believe that experience is critical for any emerging leader, but having a collaborative style, possessing a steady temperament, and having the political savvy to negotiate in tough times goes a long way toward being an effective leader.

"[A] good sense of humor doesn’t hurt either,” she added.

Find the full text of the article here, as well as the following:  

- "Creating a Strategic Enrollment Plan from the Ground Up" by Chuck Knepfle
- "Graduate Online Recruitment and Retention" by Melissa Cruz
- "The Value of Predictive Validity Studies and the Need for ‘Fit-for-Purpose’ Data to Inform Postsecondary Admissions Policies and Decision Making" by Stuart Shaw and Carmen Vidal Rodeiro
- "Excess Credit Accumulation: An Examination of Contributing Factors for First-Time Bachelor’s Degree Earners" by Wendy Kilgore, Emma Crabtree, and Ken Sharp

For more information, or to submit a manuscript, contact Managing Editor Heather Zimar.


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