You probably have student employees on campus, but are you using them to their full potential? In their Technology & Transfer session, “The Robins to the Batman: Utilizing Your Student Staff,” presenters Cynthia Delgadillo and Nagieh Omer of DePaul University focused on how this population can be integral to your recruitment strategies and enrollment goals.
Delgadillo explained that student workers in her office are considered to be “Robins” – they are the sidekicks and helpers to the Transfer Admission and the Adult Enrollment Center staff (the Batmans). A campus model of employing students to do staff work frees full-time staff to focus on additional responsibilities and allows students to gain real-life work experience.
Future success
Rather than just performing duties, students are treated like peers, engaged in the campus community, and have significant tasks that produce measurable results. By providing an environment in which students are fully supported—but given autonomy and responsibility—students can be more prepared for the opportunities and challenges that await them after graduation. “Be a mentor, and lead by example,” Delgadillo concluded.