AACRAO Spotlight interviews are published twice weekly before major professional development meetings. They feature our conversations with industry experts, highlighting key issues and promoting sessions and workshops at the upcoming conference.
Below you'll find brief summaries of two recent Q-and-As with links to the full interviews.
The Promise of Transfer: Reminiscences, Recommendations, and a Rant
Transfer isn't a new phenomenon. It's been around for over 100 years”with varying degrees of success. But right now presents a unique moment in transfer pathway history. The confluence of certain economic and demographic trends are forcing the transfer pathway into a new channel. And professionals who are aware of these forces and know how to harness them will position their institutions to ride the crest of the coming transfer moment,┬" according to Stephen J. Handel, PhD, Executive Director of Community College Initiatives at The College Board.
Handel will talk about these issues and recommend effective strategies at his 2013 Transfer Conference session The Promise of Transfer: Reminiscences, Recommendations, and a Rant.┬" Read AACRAO's conversation with Handel here[[[FIX]]].
Wrappers and Workflow in the Clouds: Yale University's Implementation of SalesForce for Faculty, Students and Staff
Like many universities' systems, Yale's various technological interfaces”such as for students, faculty, and HR and finance departments”have been developed as-needed over the last two decades. Seeing the need for an integrated portal, Yale has been working with Salesforce and other companies in an effort to build a single, seamless front-end portal that could house these disparate applications”and replace the cobbled-together lists of links that currently serves as the directory to all online resources.
In his session Wrappers and Workflow in the Clouds: Yale University's Implementation of SalesForce for Faculty, Students and Staff,┬" Yale University Registrar Gabriel Olszewski will talk about the impetus for the move, and the challenges and discoveries they've faced along the way.
Read AACRAO's conversation with Olszewski here[[[FIX]]].
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