ïAACRAO Spotlight interviews are published twice weekly before major professional development meetings. They feature our conversations with industry experts, highlighting key issues and promoting sessions and workshops at the upcoming conference.
Chief Enrollment Management Officers (CEMOs) are largely responsible for leading enrollment management efforts at an institution. CEMO responsibilities are multifaceted, and may require work with admissions, financial aid, student affairs and many other campus offices.
What is a CEMO, and what can you do with your career path to become one? And, in the case of smaller institutions, how can you implement cross-functional positions to maximize your SEM efforts? This week, we interviewed presenters from our upcoming SEM Conference in Los Angeles, CA to answer these questions.
Collaborate, Integrate, Celebrate: Holistic Enrollment Approaches at a Small Campus
Strategic enrollment management (SEM) is a vital planning element for institutions and campuses hoping to enhance student success and fulfill other institution goals. For smaller institutions with a limited budget, implementation of SEM initiatives might seem daunting.
Denise Johnson-Jennings and Mark Volpatti at Indiana University Purdue University – Columbus (IUPUC) found that implementing cross-functional positions is necessary for a small campus budget and has the additional benefit of increasing staff support on future SEM initiatives.
Read our conversation wtih Johnson-Jennings and Volpatti here.
Chief Enrollment Officers: Who They Are and What They Do
In June, AACRAO released its first Chief Enrollment Management Officer Career Profile Report (CEMO). The survey was designed to capture an understanding of an average CEMO’s career profile and position responsibilities. At the upcoming SEM conference in Los Angeles, AACRAO Director of Research and Managing Consultant Wendy Kilgore will share the results of this report to those interested in learning the career path of CEMOs. "That’s what this session is designed to do,” said Kilgore. “To introduce people who are interested in becoming a CEMO to what CEMOs are responsible for, who they normally report to, and the typical career path.”
Read our conversation with Kilgore here.