Spotlight on SEM: Chief Enrollment Management Officers

September 22, 2015
  • AACRAO Connect

AACRAO Spotlight interviews are published biweekly before major professional development meetings. They feature our conversations with industry experts, highlighting key issues and promoting sessions and workshops at the upcoming conference.

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In this issue of Connect, we talked with AACRAO Consultants on how to be a Chief Enrollment Management Officer, 

How Did You Get There From Here?

The role of Chief Enrollment Management Officer keeps evolving almost quicker than our internal and external environments. How do you personally and professionally prepare yourself to "lead the charge"? What skills are needed to help our colleges and universities thrive and our students succeed? Join our panel of CEMOs to learn how they have mastered day-to-day challenges and risen through the ranks and discuss how to prepare yourself to become one of the next generation of SEM leaders.

Read our interview with Tom Green, Susan Gottheil and Jeff von Munkwitz-Smith here.

Student Engagement: SEM's Opportunity to Bridge Academic and Student Affairs

This session explores SEM’s role in student learning outcomes. Specifically, because it is clear that students learn in both the curriculum and co-curriculum, the more connections there are to what happens in and out of the classroom, the richer the student’s experience will be—and the more likely she will be successful and graduate. 

Read our interview with Stan Henderson here.

Balancing Data, Time, and Expectations

As enrollment managers, we are expected to make data-driven decisions to guide our tasks of targeting, recruiting, and retaining students as part of our campus' strategic enrollment planning goals. Do we really do what we say? Evidence from Adam Johnson's dissertation indicates Enrollment Managers incorporate much more than just "data" in their decision-making.

Read our interview with Adam Johnson here.



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