SPEEDE Committee update: April-June 2016

August 9, 2016
  • AACRAO Connect
Two laptops with chaotic blue lines connecting their two screens and the following text off to one side; "AACRAO SPEEDE committee executive summary".


It is our pleasure to present this Quarterly Executive Summary of ongoing activities of the Standardization of Postsecondary Education Electronic Data Exchange (SPEEDE) Committee of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO). The AACRAO SPEEDE Committee was formed in the late 1980’s and has been very active since then in the coordination, development, and implementation of international exchange standards in United States and Canada by representing secondary and postsecondary education in collaboration with the standards setting body, P20W Education Standards Council (PESC). The Committee reports to the AACRAO Vice President for Information Technology (Group VI), Nicole Rovig. We hope you enjoy this Executive Summary which contains the updates from April - June of 2016. More information can be found at the AACRAO SPEEDE Committee Link.


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