It is our pleasure to present this executive summary of the ongoing activities of the Standardization of Postsecondary Education Electronic Data Exchange (SPEEDE) Committee of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO). The AACRAO SPEEDE Committee was formed in the mid 1980’s and has been very active since then in the coordination, development, and implementation of international exchange standards in United States and Canada by representing secondary and postsecondary education in collaboration with the standards setting body, P20W Education Standards Council (PESC). The Committee reports to the AACRAO Vice President for Information Technology (Group VI), Nicole Rovig.
We hope you enjoy this report which contains the 3rd quarter 2014 AACRAO SPEEDE Committee activities and efforts. More information can be found at the AACRAO SPEEDE Committee Link.
Committee Meetings & Conferences:
AACRAO SPEEDE Committee members serve in many capacities from conducting webinars, presentations, and roundtable discussions at various AACRAO national and regional conferences to participating and chairing various P20W (PESC) workgroups to developing standards, implementation guides, and crosswalks. Weekly conference calls occur on Mondays to discuss workgroup updates and assignments.
The AACRAO SPEEDE Committee aspires to educate and facilitate expanding the adoption of electronic records exchange in secondary and postsecondary education. One way we do this is through promotion and education by offering SPEEDE sessions at Regional and National (Annual) AACRAO Conferences. If you would like more information or have a great presentation idea please let us know .
Committee F2F Meetings | Committee members met F2F at eDINTEROP. This Data Symposium & Summit focus was Global Interoperability in P20W education as well as open community-driven development of technology and standards. Topics discussed at our F2F included: Crosswalk of institution codes, AACRAO 2015 & SACRAO Sessions, AACRAO Survey/case studies/micro surveys, NSC SPEEDE Server Advisory Group & common core assessment results. The committee met with a representative from Smarter Balanced to advise on the potential to report common core score data using the PESC XML Test Score Report standard. |
AACRAO Webinars | No webinars were held in Q3. |
AACRAO Annual Meeting | We have submitted and been accepted to present/facilitate a round table as well as several poster sessions and regular sessions at AACRAO Annual in Baltimore, MD in 2015! |
AACRAO Regional Conferences | 3 committee members presented 3 sessions at RMACRAO in July in Albuquerque, NM. Sessions had good attendance and participation. We appreciated the opportunity to provide EDX sessions at the regional level and all who participated felt it was useful information for participants. A BIG Thank You to RMACRAO for having us! |
P20W (PESC) Activities:
In line with our mission to develop, promote and maintain standards for the electronic exchange of education records, in conjunction with appropriate national and international standards bodies through participation in P20W (PESC) we have participated in the following:
Academic e-Portfolio | Canadian PESC User Group | Change Control Board | Common Data Services | Common XML |
Electronic Authentication/ Authorization(EA2) | Education Record User Group | PESC Board | PESC Seal of Approval | Technical Advisory Board |
We enjoyed the opportunity to meet with many of these groups face to face at the Fall Data Symposium & Summit in Washington, DC. For more information about these PESC initiatives, to get involved, or to become a member please check out !
Standards & Crosswalk Development:
Final versions of all approved EDI and XML standards and completed crosswalks can be downloaded at the P20W (PESC) Website Standards Link and Crosswalk Link . Modifications to these standards are facilitated by the PESC Education Record User Group (ERUG).
Sharing Information:
AACRAO SPEEDE Committee members are instrumental in participating in various discussions with the AACRAO SPEEDE community via the SPEEDE-L list serv. If you are interested in signing up to receive emails regarding SPEEDE topics, go to Listserv Link.
The AACRAO SPEEDE Committee published an Electronic Data Exchange (EDX) Primer which addresses the most commonly asked questions regarding electronic data exchanges using EDI and XML. Get your copy today from the AACRAO Online Bookstore !
The AACRAO SPEEDE Committee released a compilation of PDF Best Practices based on survey feedback from the AACRAO Membership and PESC Community. Resulting PDF Best Practices can now be found on the AACRAO Website PDF Best Practices Link .
This concludes the AACRAO SPEEDE Committee report for the 3rd quarter 2014.