Special issue of SEM Quarterly ignites conversations around SEM

October 17, 2017
  • AACRAO Connect
  • AACRAO Consulting
Edison lightbulb with a pencil extending out of it next to the word "SEM".

In preparation for its 27th Annual SEM Conference, AACRAO has released a special edition of Strategic Enrollment Management Quarterly. Over the past five years, SEMQ has highlighted the work of enrollment management practitioners, from distinguished thought leaders, as well as young, emerging researchers in the field. This special issue includes selected articles from the past five years of the peer-reviewed journal, presenting core SEM concepts including:

  • Strategic Enrollment Management for Chief Enrollment-Officers: Practical Use of Statistical and Mathematical Data in Forecasting First Year and Transfer College Enrollment, by Randall Langston, Robert Wyant, and Jamie Scheid
  • Insiders/Outsiders? Market Signaling and Student Identity in College Choice, by Gabriel R. Serna
  • Organizational Assessment to Improve College Student Persistence, by John M. Braxton and Clay H. W. Francis
  • SEM and the Student Journey: The Role of Strategic Enrollment Management in Student Engagement, by Stanley E. Henderson
  • Developing and Implementing a SEM Plan--One University's Journey, by Kyle Baillie and Jody Gordon

“These articles were selected to stimulate your thoughts about SEM as you prepare to engage with colleagues from around the world at the conference,” said Editor-in-Chief Tom Green.

In past years, SEM Conference registrants were provided white papers that set the tone for the meeting and inspired attendees to share challenges and ask questions. This is the second annual “virtual issue” intended to update this practice.  

“One of my favorite aspects of scholarship in our field is the practical, experienced nature of the writing,” said Green. “Not only can you enjoy these articles as a primer for the conference but you will see many of these authors in Phoenix, teaching and learning alongside you.”


Also available now is the October 2017 issue of SEMQ, which features articles by Montgomery County Community College’s Kevin Pollock and Celeste M. Schwartz, with David Buck, Ellucian Technology Management; Iowa State University’s Ekaterina S. Ralston, Jonathan Compton, Greg Forbes and Xiaowei Xu, with Jason Pontius, Iowa Board of Regents; Toni Woolfork-Barnes, Western Michigan University; and Barbara Bell (doctoral candidate), Peabody College, Vanderbilt University.  


Topics include:

  • IT as a student success partner;
  • combining traditional measures of student readiness with non-cognitive variables;
  • first-year experience courses and seminars and student success; and
  • the needs of military veterans and the challenges they face in accessing and succeeding in higher education.  


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