Social Media & Student Recruitment

August 4, 2023
  • SEMQ
  • Technological Knowledge
Photograph of an individual using social media on their phone.

Social media marketing strategies and tools are key to recruiting today’s prospective college students, who utilize social media to gather information as well as to engage with institutions. In a recent study, Joy de los Reyes, D.B.A., Associate Professor of Marketing at Felician University, sought to understand the relationship between social media influence and the college selection process for traditional first-year students. 

The study, highlighted in a recent SEMQ article, examined the Instagram usage rates of first-year students and the delivery of regular information from the college or university of their choice as well as assessed the influence that regular and accurate information has on the student’s selection process.

de los Reyes found that while traditional marketing strategies revolve around reach and frequency…frequency is not an important factor for first-year students when evaluating the options for college selection. In addition, she found a relationship exists between the response rate (online engagement) by a university and the influence on consumer decision-making.

She concluded: To better utilize social media marketing strategies, university enrollment marketing departments must understand the influence factors on social media related to the varying demographics. The more targeted the information and the better the response rate (engagement) from the university are, the more likely it is that a university will influence a student’s decision to create more interest or gather more information on the university.

Other articles in the July issue of SEMQ include: 

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