Shutterbugs: Submit your photo!

February 24, 2014
  • AACRAO Connect
  • Volunteer
Do you ever walk by your favorite corner of campus and wish you could share the view? Now you can! AACRAO is soliciting submissions for our 2014-2015 Professional Development Calendar.
We’re looking for scenic or inspiring views from campuses across the country and around the world—a campanile against a puffy-cloud sky, a statue surrounded by budding trees, lights streaming around an athletic coliseum at night, a unique library faade in the driving snow—any calendar-worthy scene that you can capture with your camera or phone. 
Please submit your high-resolution images at the following link:’s no limit to the number of images you can submit, so get snapping! The deadline is Friday, March 7th.
A jury will select the winners to publish in AACRAO’s 2014-2015 Professional Development calendar, which will be distributed at AACRAO’s 100th Annual Meeting in Denver, March 30-April 1, and mailed to members.


AACRAO's bi-weekly professional development e-newsletter is open to members and non-members alike.