Serving the student you can't see

February 24, 2015
  • AACRAO Connect

Most enrollment managers, registrars and admissions officers are used to working with students face-to-face. But online students may require different levels and types of service. AACRAO talked with Dr. Linda Smith, Coordinator, AACRAO Online Courses and Program Chair, Master of Distance Education, University of Maryland University College; Dr. Jacquelyn “Jacqui” D. Elliott, International Liaison Specialist, University of Missouri—St. Louis; and Dr. Rodney Parks, University Registrar, Elon University, about changing how we think in order to serve online students from campus-based to distance learners. They'll explore these ideas further in their AACRAO Annual Meeting session "Serving the Student You Can't See."

Why is it important to be committed to serving online students?

Elliott: From my perspective, if the institution has an online component, and there is a commitment to that in the curriculum, then from the SEM perspective, we cannot ignore that.

Parks: Online education very much factors into retention rates.  It is in an institution’s best interest to make sure these students do well, because overall, it will affect your bottom line.  When online classes are added, a high volume of revenue is produced, but you still need to make sure that you are still serving those students effectively.

Smith: Online learning is only going to increase at virtually every institution.  Therefore, we need ways to serve those students because it extends the outreach of the institution around the globe, and most institutions cannot afford to ignore that potential student base.

What will attendees gain from this session?

Smith: This will be an interactive session that will be a great way for people to engage, share, and exchange ideas about what online education means at their institution.  Participants will be able discuss how distance education fits into their institution and what questions should they be asking.

Elliott: As a result of this session, we will build a small compendium of the best practices and ideas discussed during the session, which will be produced and shared with the overall membership.   

What are you looking forward to at this year’s annual meeting?

Parks: I’m looking forward to meeting with colleagues and seeing what new innovative ideas are out there in our field.  It will be nice to compare some of the things we’re doing with some of the things other schools are doing as well.

Elliott: Well, of course, who isn’t waiting for the delicious seafood?  Crab cakes, in particular!  


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