SEM Quarterly, published by AACRAO and Wiley Periodicals, is looking for manuscripts based on original research or practice in strategic enrollment management demonstrating familiarity with SEM concepts. SEMQ provides knowledge and insight into the ongoing evolution of strategic enrollment management (SEM). SEMQ bridges the gap between theory and practice with articles by thought leaders and practitioners who address the emerging dynamics of SEM, including: executive-level leadership, leading strategies, internationalization, research, academic orientation, and current trends.
All submissions should include an extensive literature review, with citations including at least one comprehensive SEM book, such as those found here, or at least two articles describing SEM basics published in the last ten years. Authors must ensure the accuracy of all statements—particularly data, quotations, and references—before submitting manuscripts.
For more information, please visit SEMQ or contact Managing Editor Heather Zimar or Editor-in-Chief Tom Green. For full details, visit here.