Are you an officer in one of AACRAO’s state or regional organizations? If you are, don’t miss our State & Regional Workshop coming up at the Annual Meeting in April. The workshop will be held from 8:30am – 11:30am on Sunday, April 12th.
This year our workshop will highlight a financial presentation by Adnan Bokhari, CFO at the Corporation for Enterprise Development. Mr. Bokhari is an expert in non-profit financial management and is actively involved in the non-profit community. He will speak about financial topics such as association taxes, reporting, incorporation, association liability, and insurance.
Additionally we will hear from AACRAO member Meredith Braz who has significant experience in handling finances for NEACRAO (New England). We will finish out the agenda with roundtables on topics important to our state and regional organizations such as event planning and succession planning.
In order to reserve your seat, remember to indicate on your registration for the AACRAO Annual Meeting that you will be attending the State & Regional Workshop. See you there!
New Webinars for State and Regional Officers
This year, AACRAO and the State & Regional Relations Committee will be offering new quarterly webinars for our officers in state and regional organizations. We recognize that not everyone is able to attend the Leadership Meeting in December or the S&R Workshop that happens before the AACRAO Annual Meeting begins. Webinars will allow those officers who would like important information about running a non-profit organization to learn more about finances, insurance, incorporation, legal issues, and other topics of common interest.
Our first webinar will be announced in the coming months on legal topics for non-profits, presented by the AACRAO general counsel, Jim Goldberg. We are excited that Mr. Goldberg will be presenting on this important topic for S&R organizations.
If you have a topic that you would like to suggest for our upcoming webinars, please let us know!
Meet Your New S&R Chair and Vice-Chair
Lara Medley is the incoming chair for the S&RR Committee. She is the Registrar at Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado.
The incoming vice-chair is Dr. Charles Couch who is Registrar at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, Colorado.
Please feel free to contact them with ideas and questions at: or