Bright and early Monday morning at the 2017 Technology and Transfer Conference, the AACRAO SPEEDE Committee, lead by our Vice Chair Jeff Elliott from the University of Missouri System, along with Michael Sessa, the CEO of the P20W Electronic Standards Council (PESC), gathered with nine eager participants from institutions across the US and Canada to engage in a friendly roundtable discussion about the electronic exchange of student records. It was so encouraging to see that four participants were first time attendees to the conference and we applaud their quest to learn and grow professionally to improve their institutional processes for their staff and students! We started out with introductions around the room and the committee reviewed possible updates coming to EDX Primer, State Contacts List, and SPEEDE Committee page on the AACRAO website.
Roundtables provide a great opportunity to tailor information to fit the audience. As we went around the room we identified that some participants were there to advance their current process to the next level while others were there to learn how to get started. Still others where there to solve very specific problems they have encountered in their district, state, or specific software solutions.
Some of the questions asked and topics discussed included:
- How to get started
- How to analyze the best method for your institution…EDI vs XML
- Where to find FREE available resources
- Suggestions on how to work through your business process redesign
- Challenges we have faced and tips to overcoming barriers to implementation
While there is no right or wrong answer to many of these questions, the beauty of the roundtable is that participants and Committee members alike learn from each other based on their different perspectives, areas of expertise and experiences. Everyone used this excellent networking opportunity to get questions answered and identify resources that could help them to continue and enhance their processes. Hopefully we will see you at an EDX Roundtable in the future and remember we are here to help. Any questions regarding EDX can be directed to SPEEDE@AACRAO.ORG.