Reimagining AACRAO's Professional Activities Committees (PACs)

August 3, 2018
  • AACRAO Leadership and Governance
  • AACRAO News
  • Board of Directors
  • Meetings, Workshops, and Trainings
  • PACs
  • structural review
  • work group
Silhouette against a cloudy background pulls back a curtain to reveal a sunny day with blue skies. Over the past few years, the AACRAO membership has called on the organization to look differently at what we consider educational and professional development content. Our current operational structure provides a solid foundation for the delivery of content to support the annual meeting, however, there is increasing demand for the delivery of content in other mediums.

The Board of Directors (after consultation with the AACRAO Leadership Meeting attendees in June) seek to review the role and work of the Professional Activities Committees (PACs) to formally include other avenues of content delivery from the committees. Where in the past, the PACs were charged with seeking out individuals who would bring content to the Annual Meeting, we now want them to create and curate content from multiple sources and render them in multiple mediums throughout the year, as well as to seek out content and expertise from other organizations.  The Board of Directors recognizes that the broadening of the scope may require dedication of resources to implement and sustain the efforts. We ask the Structural Review team to review current processes and practices, recommend new ones that will include new content and avenues of delivery and to identify any additional roles and/or resources required to implement the recommendations.

This group has an aggressive timeline, with a draft report due for review by the AACRAO Board by January 2019.

Volunteers to serve on this work group were solicited during the Leadership Meeting in June and the following members were selected.

Adrienne Bricker, University of Minnesota
Jeff Elliott, University of Missouri System
Kristy Goodwin, Governors State University
Melanie Gottlieb (ex-oficio), AACRAO
Ari Kaufman, Berklee College of Music
Paul Kyle (Co-Chair), Johnson County Community College 
Mark McConahay*, Indiana University
Jack Miner*, The Ohio State University 
Jennifer Minke* (Co-Chair), Texas A&M University - Kingsville
Steve Seaworth, Wake Forest University
Mark Simpson, Iowa State University
Emily Shandley, Yale University
Clayton Smith, SEM Director, AACRAO 




AACRAO's bi-weekly professional development e-newsletter is open to members and non-members alike.