Registration open: Groningen Declaration Network Annual Meeting

January 13, 2020
  • Electronic Records and Document Exchange
  • GDN
  • groningen
  • student data portability
Groningen Declaration Network 9th Annual Meeting banner

When representatives from countries around the globe met in Groningen, the Netherlands, in April of 2012 to discuss the electronic exchange of student data and records, it immediately captured AACRAO's interest. That meeting ultimately lead to the creation of the Groningen Declaration, and AACRAO has been engaged with the effort since its inception.

At its simplest, the Groningen Declaration Network brings together key stakeholders in the digital student data ecosystem to make real the concept of global digital student data portability. Network participants envision that learners worldwide should be able to digitally consult and share their authentic educational data with whomever they want, whenever they want, wherever they are. 

Many of the underlying issues associated with electronic exchange of records—i.e. student privacy, comparability of data, acceptance and recognition of digital student data—are central issues for AACRAO members. The Groningen Declaration effort provides a global platform to examine these issues.  For the broad acceptance of global electronic records by institutions in the United States it is essential that student privacy, data security, and authentication are insured. AACRAO and its members have considerable expertise in these areas and can contribute to the ultimate success of this enterprise.

With over 100 signatories from more than 30 countries, the efforts have gained significant momentum since 2012.  Demonstration projects across the globe are showing an increasing interest in and capacity for the global digital student data ecosystem. Pilots in India, China, Mexico, Canada and throughout Europe are making real the vision of digital portable student records. 

Want to learn more, or get involved?

Registration is open for the Groningen Declaration Network’s 9th Annual Meeting to be held in Delhi, India, April 15-17, 2020. Early bird rates apply until 1 February. The meeting will bring together senior higher education professionals and practitioners, innovators, technology experts, employer groups, solution providers, student groups and individuals dedicated to the mobility of learners across the globe.

Join our free webinar on February 11 -- "The Groningen Declaration Network: What is it and why you should care." Learn more and register now.


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