I closed my speech at the 2012 Annual Meeting by saying that I looked forward to the year ahead and thanking you for your support. That’s where I’ll begin this speech. It has been an honor serving as the President of AACRAO. I believe the association has accomplished a lot in the past year due to the very hard work of the many, many members who have volunteered their time and energy, the hardworking AACRAO staff, and the dedicated Board. I want to talk a bit about what has been accomplished, and will focus around a few themes I highlighted last year.
As President it’s been my pleasure to work closely with the AACRAO Executive Director, Mike Reilly. We’ve spoken weekly and have met in person numerous times. Mike started at AACRAO last June and hit the ground running! He has an inclusive leadership style that has engaged the AACRAO staff and Board of Directors in looking at ways processes might be improved and services to members might be enhanced. He has worked with the staff and the Board to make sure the AACRAO Operating Plan and Budget are well-aligned with AACRAO’s Strategic Plan. He has engaged with other higher education associations in D.C. on ways we might collaborate. Mike has made impressive progress on the goals that the Board established for the new Executive Director.
As Nancy Krogh has indicated in her Treasurer’s Report, AACRAO is in excellent financial shape. We are continuing to make progress on our longstanding goal of building an endowment that will support AACRAO’s activities in its second hundred years. Our annual budget has grown from under $2.5 million in 1999 to over $10 million in the budget we will vote on today. This year the Board modified its investment policy to help protect the association’s investments from downside risks in a volatile market. We recently approved a policy on gifts and bequests to the Association. We all might consider putting AACRAO in our wills! As Nancy concludes her term as Vice President for Finance, I want to publicly thank her for helping the Board to understand the sometimes complex financial issues, and to maintain its appropriate focus on establishing direction, ensuring resources, and providing strategic oversight.
Later in this Business Meeting we will take up, individually, several proposals for changes in AACRAO governance. As I promised following last year’s discussion, the Board has moved forward mindful of the concerns of all of the membership. We tried to communicate regularly, to seek and listen to feedback, and thoughtfully adjust the proposals based on what we heard. I look forward to the discussion this year, recognizing that people who care passionately about the Association may disagree about the best approach to ensuring its future.
I mentioned communications with the membership last year and our intention to begin to use social media. I’m happy to report that AACRAO is now on Twitter with nearly 500 followers, on Facebook with about 600 “likes”, and on LinkedIn. The old MemberLink email has been replaced by AACRAO Connect and the focus has shifted from selling members something to providing useful information. A project is underway to revamp the AACRAO web site, with a goal of making it easier for members to find the information they need.
The Board, as well as the AACRAO staff, has had many conversations about ways to increase and improve services to members. You may have noticed our webinars haven’t had registration fees. Also, in conjunction with Jossey-Bass, AACRAO has established a new journal, SEM Quarterly, in electronic format and available to AACRAO members without an additional charge.
Last year I spoke of the need for AACRAO to engage the younger members of our professions. I want to repeat my request that all of us here, particularly those of us who are the primary contacts for our institutions, encourage and support the involvement of young professionals in AACRAO. I am also pleased to announce that in March the Board approved changes in the policy on student membership to eliminate the requirement that student members be recommended by their institution’s primary contact and to reduce the cost of student membership to a more affordable level. I am certain this will result in an increase in student membership above the current five!
It has truly been an honor to serve as AACRAO President. The time has flown by! There are many people I must thank for their support:
First of all, my wife, Lesa, you supported not only my role with AACRAO, but also my taking a new job and moving from Connecticut to Boston!
I also must thank my colleagues at Boston University – I started my job there just before I became AACRAO President – who’ve been supportive of my absences and the time I’ve devoted in the office every week on AACRAO business. They are wonderful to work with!
The AACRAO Board of Directors, it’s been a great pleasure to work with you!
Mike Reilly and the AACRAO staff, you are terrific!
Finally, Nora McLaughlin and the other past presidents, you’ve been my mentors and sources of helpful advice in the past year. I suspect that only past presidents really understand the level of commitment required and how rewarding the experience is.
Thank you all so much!
By: AACRAO Connect
AACRAO Connect