Poster sessions highlight grassroots efforts in student retention

February 24, 2015
  • AACRAO Connect

The AACRAO Annual Meeting will have even more opportunities to engage with current members about research and best practices this year, thanks to the addition of poster sessions. The goal is to “break down the binary of going to a conference just to listen,” says Jack Miner, Director of Registrar Operations at the Ohio State University and Vice Chair of the Annual Meeting Program Committee this year.

In the past, the Annual Meeting has included instructor presentations, panel discussions of best practices, and round table problem solving sessions. The addition of the posters this year provide for learning and discovery in a more flexible environment. Research is selected by the Program Committee to be presented in a visual format on a poster including all the basic information of a peer-reviewed article: methodology, results, and findings.

The posters provide a dynamic opportunity for people who work in registrar, admissions and enrollment management to talk about their research and operations. Attendees can look forward to cutting-edge research on topics such as:

  • Support services for students who suffer from traumatic brain injuries.
  • Transition challenges for international athletes.
  • Academic advising for student veterans.

Overall, the posters this year highlight grassroots, innovative efforts in student retention across the country.

Posters will be located in a public area during the entire conference to allow for easy browsing. There will also be scheduled times when the researchers will be available to talk about their presentation, get feedback, and answer questions.

Visit our website to learn more about the dyanmic content and varied experiences available to attendees of the 101st AACRAO Annual Meeting, April 12-15 in Baltimore.


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