AACRAO is looking for members interested in serving on a short-term work group to develop national guidelines for disciplinary notations on transcripts and appropriate procedures surrounding this practice. Please note that this effort does not include the question of criminal background checks or questions on admission applications.
This work group needs representation from all aspects of our profession: admissions officers, registrars, enrollment managers; two-year and four-year institutions; public and private; regionally diverse members. We are also specifically seeking representation from New York and Virginia where laws have been passed concerning such notations.
The timeline is aggressive and lasts from June 2016 through April 2017. The expectation is to participate in remote conference calls twice each month, work on group tasks in between calls, and provide regular input via email with the group.
If you would like to share your expertise and volunteer efforts for this important work group, please contact AACRAO Vice President for Records and Academic Services Lara Medley at lmedley@mines.edu or Work Group Chair Kristi Wold-McCormick at kristi.woldmccormick@colorado.edu. Please share your interest before June 10th.