New England: Get the most bang for your buck

July 2, 2018
Salmon colored background with an upward trending arrow made from a folded dollar bill. Institutions that support their employees' professional development are likely to see a major return on that investment through employee engagement, performance and retention. In fact, 7 out of 10 employees say that professional development opportunities affect their decision to stay with their employer. 

However, college and university offices often face budgetary constraints that limit professional development funds. In recognition of this, AACRAO offers On the Road workshops in our most popular subjects.

And the next AACRAO On the Road is coming to Salem, MA -- an amazing oceanside destination for art, history, and literature buffs, as well as summertime beachcombers. 

7 out of 10 employees say that professional development opportunities affect their decision to stay with their employer.  

Enjoy an "action-oriented" workshop "packed with valuable information" (according to one recent workshop attendee) in one of the following core areas:
  • Registrar 101
  • Admissions
  • SEM
  • International Admissions
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to engage with world-class experts in your own backyard. Previous participants have jumped at the chance to work with these "qualified and experienced instructors," calling the training a "very good value."

Stay close to home while making your training budget go far: register for AACRAO On the Road today.


AACRAO's bi-weekly professional development e-newsletter is open to members and non-members alike.