Navigating the Future: Incorporating New Digital Credentials into the Student Information System (SIS)

September 18, 2023
  • Comprehensive Record
  • Alternative Credentials
  • clr
  • Comprehensive Learner Record
  • Comprehensive Student Record
  • microcredentials
Group of professionals attending a conference.

Digital credentials, often in the form of digital badges, certificates, or microcredentials, can revolutionize how institutions document and acknowledge learners' accomplishments. Microcredentials, in particular, have gained significant traction in recent years due to their capacity to provide a more detailed and verifiable representation of skills and achievements. They equip both learners and their future employers with a clearer understanding of the learner's capabilities and knowledge. As institutions explore the expansion of transcripts and the integration of microcredentials into the curriculum, this innovative approach comes with its fair share of challenges.

One of the primary obstacles faced by registrars is the complexity of integrating new credentials that recognize more detailed learning achievements and novel methods for recording, verifying, and sharing these credentials within our existing Student Information Systems, alongside traditional credit-bearing degrees. Our institutional technology infrastructure is not keeping pace with the rapid innovation in the EdTech sector, necessitating engagement with SIS partners to support our institutions in this swiftly evolving space.

Creating Paradigms

At the upcoming Convergence conference, jointly hosted by AACRAO and UPCEA, President-elect Dr. Kristi Wold-McCormick will moderate a discussion featuring leaders from Anthology, Ellucian, Oracle, and Workday. They will share their perspectives and approaches to adapting their products and services to help our institutions meet the needs of today's learners and prepare for a future where stackable microcredentials, expanded transcripts, and learner wallets are the norm. The discussions have been frank and lively in preparing for the panel, and the conversation promises to be interesting and will undoubtedly continue beyond the conference. 

The Convergence panel, which will close out the conference on Friday, November 3 at 11:00 a.m., marks the beginning of an upcoming series of collaborative conversations between AACRAO members and our EdTech partners, aimed at exploring how we can meet the future needs of our institutions to ensure we remain relevant to our learners and communities. Watch for more details on upcoming related events on our Learning Mobility signature initiative page. By working together, we can embrace innovation while ensuring the integrity of our institutions and the enduring value of higher education. These conversations are not solely about overcoming obstacles; they are about shaping the future of education, where learners' achievements are recognized and represented in a manner that is both meaningful and adaptable to the demands of the modern world, creating equitable opportunity and outcomes that drive social and economic mobility for all.  


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