Navigating Digital Credentials

September 18, 2023
  • Comprehensive Record
  • Alternative Credentials
  • Comprehensive Learner Record
  • Comprehensive Student Record
  • microcredentials
Illustration of a laptop in digital space.

AACRAO will be hosting a webinar on September 27, 2023, discussing the State of Digital Credentials in the AACRAO Community. It is free to attend and open to all AACRAO members and the public. Register today to learn more about digital and alternative credentials

The webinar will feature Mark McConahay, Sr. Consultant and Digital Credential Coordinator at AACRAO, and Brenda Selman, Assistant Vice Provost and University Registrar, University of Missouri-Columbia.  They will focus on sharing the results from the survey AACRAO conducted in June 2023. 

The brief survey looked into the status of alternative and digital credentials and the mechanisms used to record and share this learning within its community in the United States and Canada. It garnered 322 responses from 48 states, Guam, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, and five Canadian provinces. The results of the survey will provide a valuable benchmark for AACRAO as it continues to work with its members to navigate the evolving landscape of digital credentials.

Join the Conversation

The webinar will provide an opportunity for AACRAO members and the public to learn more about the findings of the survey and to discuss the implications for the future of learning. Together the panelists and attendees will explore the following topics as they dive into the survey results:

  • The highlights, challenges, and opportunities of alternative and digital credentials

  • The importance of learning mobility

  • The return on investment of alternative and digital credentials

This webinar is the first in a series of three that will dive into digital credentials and how they impact Learning Mobility within the greater AACRAO Community. The survey results and the webinar are part of AACRAO's ongoing commitment to providing its members with the resources they need to navigate the rapidly changing landscape of digital credentials. By gathering insights from its members and working with other stakeholders, AACRAO is helping to ensure that alternative and digital credentials are used to support student learning and success.

AACRAO is dedicated to prioritizing digital and alternative credentials. In addition to the webinar, please join the conversation in the Innovative Credentials Community of Practice launched in the AACRAO Exchange. This is a virtual community forum where participants can engage in conversations and share resources around this important work. Over 400 enthusiasts and experts are already members. Before and after the webinar, the conversation will continue in this space and you do not want to miss out on this opportunity.


AACRAO's bi-weekly professional development e-newsletter is open to members and non-members alike.