In the latest issue of College and University, Louise Lonabocker, Executive Director of Student Services and University Registrar at Boston College, shares some of the biggest changes she’s experienced in higher education over the last few decades. Lonabocker, a past president of AACRAO and the former Editor-in-Chief of C&U, describes “unimaginable changes in productivity,” citing the development of new technology and media and its link to offices of information technology, advancement, student affairs, health services, athletics and campus safety. “We’re busier, more productive, and more responsive,” she states.
Lonabocker discusses “the evolution of data-driven decisions,” and the rise in compliance requirements tracked by her campus. She also notes developments in prior learning assessment and competency-based education as well as workplace flexibility models.
Over her long career at BC, Lonabocker led the campus’s implementation of a “one-stop” model, promoted the application of technology to student services, and has actively served professional associations like AACRAO. She shares in the C&U interview how her career has been impacted by strong mentors and a commitment to lifelong learning.
Read more of Louise’s interview with C&U’s new Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey von Munkwitz-Smith, here.