Join the Conversation: Credential Innovators to Gather in Washington, DC this Fall

August 7, 2023
  • Professional Development and Contributions to the Field
  • Alternative Credentials
  • microcredentials
Photograph of an individual accepting a digital credential.

By Corinne MacIntire, Director of Marketing & Communications at AACRAO

AACRAO and UPCEA recently partnered on a survey of their respective undergraduate-serving institutional members in the United States. The report Collaboration, Competition or Convergence?: The relationship between professional and continuing education and traditional academic programs, released in July 2023, explores the degree to which professional and continuing education (PCE), and traditional academic programs operate in collaboration or competition for students and/or institutional resources.

Survey results indicate that institutional PCE practices and offerings are varied. No predominant model describes the level of cooperation or competition between the PCE unit and the academic registrar, or even the type of alternative credentials offered. However, there are increasing opportunities for PCE and traditional academic programs to work together to enhance learning mobility, improve college access for undergraduate-adult learners and support institution-wide student success. By taking a more intentional, global, and strategic approach to credential innovation, institutions can ensure equitable and accessible programs and opportunities that prepare all learners for the workforce and beyond. 

Understanding the need for a collaborative space for higher education professionals to meet to advance solutions to this issue, AACRAO and UPCEA are partnering on a conference this fall. Convergence, taking place in Washington, DC from November 1-3, brings together key campus stakeholders in credential innovation to define and develop their institutional strategy concerning alternative credentials. This research and conference partnership sets the stage for cooperation on practice, policy, and the use of technology to support various educational paths and opportunities in a more comprehensive manner. Sessions at Convergence were selected to address strategies for developing a partnership ecosystem and key functions necessary for success in the alternative credential market.

Session highlights include: 

  • Scaling Digital Credentialing: Insights from a Peer Review Process - A panel session on scaling digital credentialing programs in higher education.

  • Statewide CLR/LER Implementations: A Discussion of Alabama Community College System and Tennessee Board of Regents CLR/LER Projects -  This session will provide overviews of each state’s project, discuss the successes and challenges of each and the extensibility of these projects within the digital credential ecosystem.

  • AACRAO Report on Alternative Credentials: What Next? - During this workshop, AACRAO board members will provide an overview of the report and facilitate a discussion on what future guidance is needed for members from the association.

  • New Credential Benchmarks: A Joint AACRAO/UPCEA Study - This session will discuss the findings from the July 2023 Collaboration, Competition, or Convergence? survey. 

Convergence will provide an engaging setting for attendees to share distinct models and approaches to credential innovation, examine strategies for balancing quality and scale, and address the role of employers in the higher ed credential ecosystem. Register now to take the first critical steps to achieve the core objectives of delivering useful, meaningful, trusted, secure, and globally transferable digital education and employment records.


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