It's AACRAO Election time!

October 4, 2016
  • AACRAO Connect
Illustrated hand of a person of color raised in the air with the word "vote" above it.
At AACRAO, we are committed to engaging our members in the leadership election process. Last year, 8% of our membership voted -- our goal for this year is to reach or exceed the national benchmark for member associations, which is 10%.  
How can you help? First and foremost, exercise your vote!  Its easy, and it makes a difference.  Next, encourage the colleagues in your state and region to vote.  Talk to the people on your institution, send it to your local listserv, and mention it at your State or Regional conference. Your engagement can make a difference!
AACRAO voting is open now, and closes at 11:59 PM on November 4th. The Nominations and Elections Committee has chosen a competitive slate for open leadership positions. 

Thank you for your participation.

Wayne Banks (Chair) and Richard Morrell (Vice Chair)
2016 AACRAO Nominations and Elections Committee

NOTE: You must be logged in to vote for AACRAO Leadership positions.


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