Staff development: Practicing what we teach

December 10, 2018
  • AACRAO Publications
  • Admissions and Recruitment
  • Competencies
  • Enrollment Management
  • Leadership and Management
  • Staffing and Operations
  • Staffing Leadership
  • Professional Development
  • Staffing
laptop with the words "skill, training, knowledge, and ability" displayed

Offering professional development to staff at institutions of higher education is “a necessary and valuable endeavor,” according to Patrick Elliot, associate vice president for enrollment services at Harford Community College. In his recent C&U feature, Elliot suggests that colleges and universities apply student learning models, technology, and content to staff development programs.

“After all, these programs are mission-critical functions for all institutions of higher education and thus are the areas in which they excel,” he writes. “Linking staff development to the student learning organization and processes will improve the quality of professional development by folding it into the institution’s core competencies and offerings and will increase the organization’s learning agility.”

In order to align staff development with academic programs, Elliot suggests the Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) model. “Applying TPACK to professional development requires only a change to the context,” he noted. “While the TPACK model focuses on the teacher, the framework is generalizable to the program.”

In his article, Elliot discusses how developers of TPACK programs should strive to include all three core areas—and their overlap—in the design of the program. This includes using similar learning models and technology for staff and student learning.

“Modeling and connecting professional development programs with traditional higher education pedagogy fulfill the vision of practicing what and how we teach,” he concludes.

This C&U issue also includes a feature by Veena Andini and Sandeep Rao on logistic modeling of university choice among student migrants to Karnataka. Other topics include: free speech and controversial speakers; financial aid; orientation and student success; gap semesters; and credential expansions.  

For more information, or to submit an article, please contact Managing Editor Heather Zimar at

Call for Authors!

AACRAO’s C&U and SEM Quarterly Journals are seeking manuscript submissions for 2019.  

SEM Quarterly, published by AACRAO and Wiley Periodicals, addresses the emerging dynamics of strategic enrollment management, including: executive-level leadership, leading strategies, internationalization, research, academic orientation and current trends.

College & University, AACRAO's educational policy and research journal, focuses on emerging concerns in higher education. C&U highlights scholarly research, campus viewpoints, commentaries, case studies and book reviews.

SEMQ manuscripts should be based on original research or practice in strategic enrollment management, demonstrating familiarity with SEM concepts and research. C&U submissions may be of broader interest to student services researchers and practitioners. Both journals encourage submissions based on recent dissertations.  

Potential topics could include (but are not limited to):

  • Leadership

  • SEM Planning

  • Communications/Marketing/Recruitment

  • Student Access

  • Student Success

  • Adult/Nontraditional Students

  • Transfer Students

  • Faculty/Administrative Collaboration

  • Graduate and Professional Schools

  • Financial Aid

  • Institutional Budgeting

  • Operational Improvements

  • Technology

  • SEM Research

  • Global Initiative

  • Student Choice

For more information, contact Managing Editor Heather Zimar at



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