Increasing Member Engagement With Associations

January 18, 2022
  • State and Regional ACRAOs
  • Webinars
laptop resting on a desk with a blue mug, apple, and notepad and pen visible next to the laptop

State and Regional ACRAO's and AACRAO staff share their experience increasing member engagement, hosting webinars, empowering mentors, and more in the January 25 State and Regional Webinar: Member Engagement. This webinar, moderated by Amber Cellotti and Chris Huang, serves as an excellent resource for state and regional associations to ask questions, gather resources, and collaborate with peers.

Questions Answered

How can I connect with members outside of my organization’s annual meeting? Where should I start if I want to develop a mentorship program? What could/should professional development look like in my state & regional organization? What is the best way to engage and support new members of the organization? If you’re asking yourself these questions, or are interested in learning more about membership engagement, please join panelists from AACRAO and state & regional organizations from coast to coast to hear more about what is being done locally to create connections and foster development as well as what AACRAO can do for broader support.

The AACRAO State & Regional Relations Committee invites you to join us from 3–4 pm (ET) on Tuesday, January 25, to listen, learn, and connect. Through conversations and surveys, membership engagement was a topic of importance to many state and regional leaders, and we look forward to providing conversational space and resources to guide organizations in this area.

Association Leaders

During the webinar, you will have the opportunity to hear from our panelists Maura Dicolla CACRAOSarah Hartman  IACRAO, Laura Remillard PACRAO, and Sara Sullivan UMACRAO about what they have learned developing workshops and newsletters (e.g., content creation); fostering ongoing connections (e.g., finding ways to network beyond the annual meeting); and creating mentorship and development opportunities (e.g., setting goals/expectations).

As many conferences moved to a virtual or hybrid format, what was done to ensure members remained connected and participated in the organization's benefits? What opportunities are there to continue practices that were put into place as a result of the pandemic? Panelists will have the opportunity to discuss how the pandemic has impacted or further shaped the critical role of membership engagement in their organizations.

Melanie Gottlieb, AACRAO’s Interim Executive Director, will also be on hand to provide perspective and guidance on AACRAO's resources for state & regional organizations to continue building and fostering membership engagement.

Register today to attend the State and Regional Webinar at 3:00 pm ET.


AACRAO's bi-weekly professional development e-newsletter is open to members and non-members alike.