The new year provides an opportunity to look back on some of the biggest moments and most interesting stories from AACRAO Connect 2013. ICYMI (internet slang for "In Case You Missed It"), here are seven of our most popular Connect articles from 2013:
AACRAO takes a stance on 7 key policy issues - Early in 2013, the AACRAO Board of Directors approved the 2013 AACRAO Advocacy and Education Agenda, which presents a framework for AACRAO’s involvement in the public policy arena. The agenda outlines major issues impacting AACRAO members in seven areas: federal funding of higher education; accountability and program integrity; curricular alignment between higher education and K–12, privacy and data, access and equal opportunity, veteran’s issues and immigration policy.
Ask the FERPA Professor - “Ask the FERPA Professor” continues to be one of our most popular Connect columns. Our in-house FERPA expert “Professor FERPA,” offers his educated opinion to your most pressing FERPA questions.
How are you using PDF transcripts? - AACRAO and the AACRAO SPEEDE (Standardization of Postsecondary Education Electronic Data Exchange) Committee have been at the forefront of the development of electronic student records exchange. In April, the SPEEDE committee developed a survey to understand how AACRAO members currently use PDF transcripts. The results are in, and you can now can read the survey results and AACRAO Best Practices for PDF Transcript Exchange.
Straight from State & Regionals: Love blossoms at MSACROA Conference - One fateful night, sharing a computer at a professional meeting, love blossomed for two young academic professionals. And together they embarked on a relationship that spanned the eastern seaboard, deepened through remarkable coincidences, and welcomed to the world a beloved baby, 3 ½-month-old Ryleigh Lynn, no doubt a future registrar herself. Re-read this charming story where MSACROA was the backdrop to a blooming romance between a registrar and an enrollment professional. redesigned to provide improved content, easier searching - The AACRAO staff were hard at work this year redesigning the look and feel of the AACRAO website. The new and improved website is an opportunity for AACRAO to provide its members with more usable content and resources. Explore the new site, and let us know what you think!
AACRAO IES completes move to newly consolidated space - The AACRAO main office in Washington, D.C. underwent a major office renovation that involved the reintegration of AACRAO’s International Education Services (IES) into the main office. The rest of the office was given a refreshing, modern make-over to be more welcoming and professional.
The top 5 new year’s resolutions for registrars & admissions officers - Rounding out our list of most popular articles is some lighthearted – but keen – insight from our Technology Conference Director Mark McConahay and Transfer Conference Director Lee Furbeck. Print out this list of resolutions and follow them throughout the new year!
Over the past century, AACRAO has positioned itself as a recognized source for information on student admissions, academic records, international education, and enrollment management. Join us at our 100th Annual Meeting as we celebrate a milestone in the Mile High City.