The dual-credit system “has really caught fire in Texas,” says William Serrata, President of El Paso Community College and AACRAO Consultant. “It’s becoming a crucial part of the recruitment puzzle across the country for community colleges and four-year institutions, as well.”
Superseding AP?
A dual credit system is one important way to reach out to students, especially Hispanic students who may be first-generation college attendees, and get them not only to enroll in college—but also to succeed.
“It’s really starting to replace the old system of AP credit. That credit required students to take an exam for college credit—which was an expense to students, and also caused delays in awarding credit,” Serrata said. “And it’s often only available in wealthier districts and areas with higher socioeconomic status.”
In contrast, dual credit institutions often waive tuition and fees for high school students, and college credit is awarded as long as the student passes the class—with no additional exam necessary. And the admissions process isn’t “watered down,” Serrata says. The high school applicant must still demonstrate college readiness through test scores and an application process, and is learning from teachers who often have more rigorous credentials than AP teachers, who typically only need a bachelor’s in their field. Dual credit instructors must have a Master’s degree and field experience in order to teach.
The numbers add up
“In both retention rates and success rates, dual credit students outperform every segment of the student body,” Serrata says. “The data show that the kids who participate are achieving well beyond their peers in terms of grades and graduation rates.”
Some students are even earning enough dual credit to receive up to an associate degree before they even graduate high school.
“I monitor the dual credit population at my institution and statewide,” Serrata said. “The last time Texas collected this data—2009—showed that students had significantly higher persistence and graduation rates than other segments of the student body.
In El Paso County, Texas, where Serrata’s institution is, about 54 percent of high school graduates go on to college on average.
“For Fall 2015 in my county, 80 percent of students with prior dual credit went on to college or university,” Serrata said. “That’s almost a 30 percent difference on matriculation rates.” Success and graduation statistics are equally as impressive, Serrata adds.
Raising the bar
The state of Texas has taken notice of the success of these systems, and in the last legislative session it removed restrictions on dual credit—lowering the age requirement from junior in high school to freshman and removing the limit on number of classes per semester. Since tuition and fees are often waived, this gives students who may not otherwise have been able to afford college a concrete start toward a college degree while still in high school—potentially even an associate’s degree in the process.
“We’re looking to expand and enhance educational opportunities,” Serrata said. “But we always do so with the highest rigor and quality and continue to raise the bar for our students—and know that our students will continue to rise to those expectations.”
To explore how dual enrollment or other strategic recruitment and enrollment practices might enhance your institution, contact AACRAO Consulting.
And check out AACRAO Publication's Strategic Enrollment Management series for more resources.
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