Explore AACRAO Research resources

January 10, 2017
  • AACRAO Connect
  • Market Analysis
Two sets of hands work together on a tablet with various graphs overlaid on the image.

There are now over 50 AACRAO research reports available as a resource to all members on the AACRAO research page.  Thanks to the ongoing member participation in our surveys, the reports cover a plethora of practice and staffing topics such as:

  • career profiles
  • transcript practices
  • admissions practices
  • hot topics in technology 

Given the number of reports available, we recently added the Google keyword search function to the page to help you quickly find reports on your chosen topic. Data is generally presented in the aggregate, but if you need disaggregated data for a particular purpose, please contact Director of Research Wendy Kilgore with your request.

The AACRAO Eye on Research monthly blog provides highlights on AACRAO research and other higher education related research in the news, including research from the Community College Research Center, the NCES Institute for Education Sciences, education journals, and other sources. Sign up to receive research updates via email.

As of now, there are a couple of case studies on the advantages of electronic transcripts on the Case Studies page. We intend to expand these resources as members submit their case studies on various topics.  If you are interested in sharing a best practice case study, please email Wendy Kilgore.


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