Ensuring Continuity and Success: Succession Planning in the Division of Enrollment Management

April 30, 2024
  • AACRAO Consulting
  • Enrollment Management
  • Professional Development and Contributions to the Field
  • Professional Development

By:  Jill Orcutt, Global Lead, AACRAO Consulting

In the dynamic landscape of a modern division of enrollment management on a university campus, organizational succession planning is imperative for sustained success and growth. It’s a strategic process aimed at identifying and developing future leaders within the division, ensuring a smooth transition of key roles when retirements or resignations arise. While often overlooked or underestimated, effective succession planning is crucial for maintaining stability, retaining institutional knowledge, and fostering innovation.

Nurturing Talent and Leadership Development

One of succession planning's primary objectives is cultivating a talent pipeline within the division. By identifying high-potential employees and providing them with opportunities for growth and development, offices can ensure capable staff members are ready to step into leadership roles when opportunities arise. This proactive approach not only mitigates the risk of future leader shortages but also fosters a culture of continuous learning and advancement.

Mitigating Risks and Ensuring Continuity

Succession planning serves as a strategic buffer against disruptions caused by unexpected departures of leaders and managers due to retirement, illness, or other unforeseen circumstances. Without a proper plan in place, divisions risk facing leadership vacuums, which can lead to instability, decreased morale, and loss of momentum. By having a succession strategy, divisions can minimize these risks and maintain work continuity, ensuring that critical functions continue uninterrupted even during periods of transition.

Retaining Institutional Knowledge

Staff in divisions of enrollment accumulate a wealth of institutional knowledge over time, ranging from national, state, and institutional political and environmental insights to internal processes and best practices. When experienced and successful employees retire or resign, there’s a risk of losing this valuable knowledge, which can hinder productivity and innovation. Succession planning involves capturing and transferring knowledge from experienced employees to their successors and preserving organizational policies, procedures, and expertise.

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

A well-designed succession plan promotes diversity and inclusion by providing equal opportunities for advancement to employees from diverse backgrounds. By breaking down barriers and fostering a positive culture, divisions can tap into a broader talent pool with fresh perspectives and innovative ideas. Furthermore, promoting diversity in leadership positions not only enhances organizational performance but also strengthens the internal and external perception of the division.

Fostering Innovation and Adaptability in a Rapidly Changing Higher Education Landscape

Change in higher education is the new normal. Agility is essential for staying competitive in today’s higher education market. Succession planning encourages a culture of innovation and adaptability by preparing future leaders who are capable of managing change and embracing new technologies and market trends. Divisions can build a resilient team capable of navigating uncertainties and seizing opportunities in a fast-paced, ever-evolving higher education landscape by empowering staff members to take on new challenges and stretch their capabilities.


In conclusion, divisional succession planning is not just a prudent practice but a strategic imperative for long-term success. By investing in talent development, mitigating risks, retaining institutional knowledge, promoting diversity, and fostering innovation, divisions of enrollment management can ensure continuity and growth in an increasingly complex and competitive world. Embracing succession planning as a core component of strategic management enables the development of robust leadership pipelines and to adapt proactively to changing circumstances, positioning them for sustained success in the years to come.

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