Emerging Issues in the Registrars Office

December 27, 2021
  • OnDemand Courses
  • Online Courses
  • Registrar Self-Assessment
group of silver got air balloons floating in a cloudy sky with one floating above the rest

Registrars are often faced with various “hidden” tasks, from staying on top of upcoming changes and trends in higher education to analyzing emerging issues for their institutional impact. 

Chapter 9 of the Registrar’s Self-Assessment is focused on Emerging Issues and how Registrars can (and should) assume leadership roles in their institutional communities when encountering issues that may impact the services they provide.

Evaluating and Assessing your Registrar’s Office.

The Registrar's Self-Assessment is a cost-effective and practical guide for registrars to assess various functions, processes, and procedures. It allows members to grade their proficiency in several determined core competencies, including managing the registrar’s office, academic policies, grading processes, degree audits, professional development, and more. In addition, the Self-Assessment identifies areas for potential improvement and recommends specific relevant AACRAO resources and products to increase mastery in these areas. Available in both digital and physical formats, the Self-Assessment mimics the approach an outside consultant would use to evaluate the operations of a registrar's office.

Each section contains a self-assessment based on broad best practices and guidance. We’ve included a truncated overview of the guiding principles contained in each section of Chapter 9 to give a preview of what to expect in the complete Registrar’s Self-Assessment.

Preferred Name

  • The process for requesting and gaining approval for a preferred name should be inclusive and easily understood by students.

Alternative Credentials

  • Registrars should be flexible and responsive to institutional leadership as they create new enrollment opportunities and should monitor program specifications to ensure the integrity of the records for new credential programs.

Disciplinary Actions on Academic Transcript

  • Offices which provide information for the academic transcript should do so in consideration of both the student’s and the institution’s best interests.

Concluding each section, assessees are provided with a guided Action Plan to draw inspiration from and explore possible next steps.

Interested in utilizing the Registrar's Self-Assessment in your office? Visit AACRAO's On-Demand Learning page to gain access.


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