The 2022 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Summit is almost
here, and we connected with Michele Rice from Penn State about her session, "Earning Credit for Military Experience: Process and Result," and her motivation to present on this topic.
Ms. Rice's session shows participants how
their team started, what their policies were, what they needed to change, and how they involved faculty in the process of incorporating prior learning assessment credits for veterans and service members. Regarding the need for inclusivity in process
and implementation, Ms. Rice said:
Keep the faculty involved. Before we started the process, we'd already worked together in discipline groups to discuss how the credit recommendations could be verified and applied. We relied on resources from the American Council on Education as well. Our hurdles centered around resources: having enough people adding this to their workload to get the experiences out, reviewed, and added to the transfer database.
Penn State created a system to review transfer courses to get the materials from faculty. Now, veterans and service members have credits automatically added to their records if they provide a Joint Services Transcript. Additionally, anyone who is
interested can look up a military experience's credit in Penn State's publicly available transfer tool. Commenting on the process and her attendance at the upcoming Technology & Transfer Summit, Ms. Rice said:
We continue to use our process and system to catalog and evaluate new or update military experiences for credit. Our military students can check our public transfer tool to see the Penn State credits they'll receive for those experiences.
I am looking forward to not only sharing our work but learning from others. I find it helpful to see how others are innovating to solve problems and create opportunities.
Register to attend this and a variety of other sessions at the 2022 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Summit in July.