Does your institution use student disciplinary records in admissions decisions?

October 22, 2013
  • AACRAO Connect

In order to hear from more U.S. institutions, we have extended the time for admissions and enrollment management professionals to respond to the survey, College Admission Process for Applicants with Disciplinary Violations in High School.┬" The survey will remain open until September 7.

AACRAO is working with the Center for Community Alternatives* (CCA) on this study of U.S. higher education institutions' admissions policies for applicants whose high school records include a history of disciplinary violations. The goal of the survey is to garner information for a conversation about the development of uniform policies both on the documentation of disciplinary violations in high school and the use of those records in admissions decisions.

The wide variations in current policies throughout the U.S. create uneven educational opportunities for high school students trying to enter college. We are collecting information about how and whether an applicant's history of disciplinary violations in high school influences admissions decision-making, and the relevant policies and procedures institutions have in place.

If you know that your institution has not received the survey, contact Lisa Rosenberg at If you are an admissions director or enrollment management director and no one from your institution has yet received it or responded to the survey, please access it at:[ipeds]

*The Center for Community Alternatives (CCA) is a non-profit criminal justice agency that provides services and helps develop public policy on individual and community development, violence prevention, public safety, recovery and reintegration.


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