Do you tweet and Facebook for AACRAO?

December 17, 2013
  • AACRAO Connect

Visiting AACRAO’s Facebook page definitely pays off. AACRAO Strategic Enrollment Management conference attendees who “liked” AACRAO on Facebook and posted comments and pictures during the meeting were entered in a drawing for a small cash prize.

Congratulations to our winners!

Donesha Grant, Admissions Counselor at the Community College of Baltimore County

Mandie McCreadie, Enrollment Coordinator at Grove City College

Pamela Palermo, Director of Financial Aid at Northwestern Michigan College

During the SEM Conference, AACRAO also hosted its first official tweet-up as an opportunity for SEM attendees to join the Twitter community and meet other colleagues on Twitter. Please be on the lookout for tweet-ups at our future meetings!

Stay connected with the AACRAO community through our social media channels. By liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter and on LinkedIn, you can stay updated on industry news and stay connected with the AACRAO community.


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